"Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

I feel like I blinked and October was over and we were thrown into the crisp and overbearing cold that is November!
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Fall is my favorite time of year and sadly we are approaching the time of fall that I have a love/hate relationship with.
Everything is beyond beautiful with the leaves officially changing to shades of brown and fluttering to the ground, but it is sadly accompanied by a bitter wind that can basically chill you to the bone!

BUT luckily I am an avid reader and can curl up inside my reading nook with a warm cup of hot chocolate, fuzzy socks, a cozy blanket and get lost in a good book!
With today being November 1st I thought it would be the perfect time to pick up a reading challenge to finish out my favorite time of year!
“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book” Jane Smiley
The Challenge:
Through a Pinterest search I found this cute little November challenge played like a game of Bingo. I thought it was a super clever idea and a great guide to help to set a TBR list for November!

When I visit back home in a few weeks I plan to challenge my mom and sisters to see who can complete a line on the bingo card first! We are pretty competitive people so this should be interesting!
I'm currently searching through my current TBR list to see if any of the books fit any of the categories on the bingo sheet. From there I am looking into the best option to obtain the books while keeping it inexpensive (lol i'm a college student)
When I get my complete list for the game I'll be sure to make a post about it and maybe some of us might be planning to read the same book or books!
The Update: Nov 30th
I can't wait to check back in at the end of November to see all that I've accomplished this month!
I'll be posting updates on the books I complete through my social media accounts as well as through a few other blogs coming up this month so be sure to subscribe if you want to stay up to date on this challenge and the books I'll be reviewing
Be sure to like this post and comment below if you are taking on the November Reading Challenge and what some of the books you are planning to read!
Also be sure to follow my other social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) so you never miss what is happening in the Forrest of Literature!
Happy Reading!

“You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend” -Paul Sweeney