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Finding the Time to Read EVERYTHING

Updated: Apr 19, 2019

If you are anything like me you not only are currently reading a book,you are also keeping a hefty list of books to read next that just seems to continue to grow. I have found that it takes me a long time to get to all of the books that I want to. Especially when I start my summer challenge for reading. I’m here today to share some tips and advice I have found on how to get to read book you want.

What the Experts Say

Epic Reads published a article for the 7 Ways to Balance Reading Multiple Books at Once. This is definitely a skill I have yet to master because I usually get so sucked into a story that I don’t put a book down until I'm almost finished. Then I decide to just finish that book since I am already hooked and want to know how it ends.

However, if you are anything like me and want to break your binging habit then give the article a read!

My Personal Recommendation

I personally recommend choosing a book to read in the morning, one to take to work or for your way to work, and one to read before bed. To help accomplish this I leave different books different places For example leaving one book at work so I only read it during my lunch breaks. Or leaving another book in my living room VS leaving it by my bed. This helps me read multiple stories at a time so I can whip through my Summer To Read list a lot faster.

E-Book Reading Habit

I can sit and discuss the advantages to reading a book in print until I am blue in the face, but for some people carrying around a book just adds to the chaos of their life. This is why I am also a firm supporter of having a few books uploaded to your phone,tablet, or IPAD.

Although I will always favor reading a print book I do love the accessibility of a book on my phone. I have found some AMAZING stories on Wattpad and through I-books that I never would have found at my local library or Barnes and Noble.

People can hate on e-books all the want, but if you are someone who is trying to whip through a reading list, definitely look into downloading some books to your phone.


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